Saturday, August 8, 2009


My purple duck friend!! <= purple

Jason, you're one of the funniest people I know. Sometimes I don't think you even realise it; sometimes you're just so random. Like the time at supper in Box Hill when you were telling us about your aunty with the 'unfortunate name' as JerP put it. I don't even remember what the name was but I remember that it was indeed unfortunate. And I remember not being able to breathe because I was laughing so hard as you mimicked your mum talking to her on the phone. What was the name again? Some awkward coagulation of consanants beginning with G and ending with K, if I remember correctly...

Jason, you have a true heart for worship. You've been doing a really good job at worship leading and you take it seriously, not just as some set of 'holy' songs. You've really grown as a worship leader. I think most of us start out concentrating on just trying to do the signals and coordinate that with singing the right notes but now I really believe that you are well past that stage and you've developed into a worship leader, not just a song leader.

Some things about you just baffle me. Like all the times you've talked to me about how things were going wrong, the things you were struggling with and yet you always ended the conversation with how you trust God and you know that all things will work out because He's in control and you'll just keep worshiping through it all. Things like that really amaze me because I myself tend to just turn into some self-centred hermit when troubles come my way. So hearing you say these things encourages me. Keep it up! Another thing you've taught me and that I really admire is your humility and your ability to ask for help when you need it. I have never seen even a glimpse of pride or arrogance in you at youth (though I'm pretty sure you're not perfect - none of us are :p) but my point is that pride isn't a major issue with you as it is with some others.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my Master Uguay-ong for teaching me soccer skills like feinting and giving me tips like, 'it's important to be confident so find something that you like doing', and this led us to sing a midnight rendition of Twinkle Twinkle in the single-digit degree temperatures of Albury during MYC. And then we ate biscuits. So thankyou for taking me under your wing as JaneLee-kenobi.

Jasoon purple duck, you are such an important part of Impact. Though we may tease and poke fun at you (as well as just poke you in general) we all love you so so much! And we would definitely all notice and miss you terribly if you broke your leg and weren't able to come on Friday nights. So moral of the story is, don't break your leg. Arm is okay.

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